Thursday, April 28, 2016

Craving Panera for Breakfast? (Copy Cat Breakfast)

Well if you're anything like me, you love Panera. It's convenient, offers healthy options (for a fast food place), and tastes amazing. I would love to have Panera for breakfast every morning, but it gets expensive. Here's a way I get what I want, without paying all that money.

Now first thing's first, there is nothing like Panera's whole grain bagel flat. Im in love with it. On a Sunday, I go to Panera early in the morning and purchase a dozen of them. At my local Panera this costs me close to $7...not bad. I then ask the cashier for my bagels sliced, and their freezer bags (yes, my Panera hands out free freezer bags, and I never knew until recently). When I get home, I keep one or two bagels out for Monday and Tuesday, and the rest I throw in the bad to freeze. (They thaw really easily, I just toast them and they're fine. They also pull apart easily, I haven't had a problem yet. Always make sure they are sliced post freezing!)

At the market, I am always buying baby spinach for recipes, smoothies, salad, etc. So it's something I have on hand all the time. I also will make sure I pick up avacados and any kind of cheese. Last, I make sure I purchase cage-free eggs and a tomato. 

During the week, early morning when I am craving Panera, I simply toast my bagel flat, when it pops up, immediately put my cheese on it, along with a cooked egg white, spinach, avocado, and tomato! Delicious!! You can tweak this sandwich to your liking, some ideas are hot sauce, skip the cheese, extra avacado. 

Everything on this sandwich is typically good for you, gives you energy, and keeps you full for a good portion of the day. Avacados blast belly fat, egg whites are high in protein, whole grain bread is a better option over wheat, white, and you still get your bread fix, then there's spinach which is just amazing in so many ways.

Not only will you be saving money, but you can add what you want and make sure it's exactly to your liking. It's also faster, than having to stop at Panera on your way to work, school, etc. You don't have to buy Panera's flat bagels, you can find an alternative at your local market. 

1 Whole Grain Bagel Flat (I purchase Panera's, but feel free to find an alternative at your local market)
1/4-1/2 Avacado (Depends on your liking)
1 thick slice of tomato
1 slice cheese (any kind, I use American)
2 egg whites
Baby spinach (5-6 leaves is plenty)

(Everything I purchase at the supermarket is always organic and non-GMO)

Start a pan and cook your egg whites. While that's occurring, toast the bagel flat. 
1 of 2 ways to incorporate cheese: add cheese to the egg white, then top on bagel flat when it's done toasting.
2 of 2 ways to incorporate cheese: when bagel flat pops up from toaster, add cheese immediately, it will melt, then top with finished egg whites immediately, it will melt even more. 
Top with avacado, spinach, and tomato. 


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