Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Liebster Award for Lifeatture!

I want to thank Lacey from So(Lace) in a Small Town for the nomination! 
It means so much to me, so thank you, again!

There are 11 questions I have to answer, then I will be presenting 11 facts about myself, and last, I will be nominating another 11 blogs to do the same! 

Questions for me from Lacey:
  1. Why did you decide to start your blog? A: I started my blog because I have tons of knowledge on leading a healthy lifestyle, and I wanted to share it with others. About 4 years ago, I went through postpartum depression, and through my journey, I had to find a way to heal myself. I started learning about the dangers of chemicals in our everyday products, the antibiotics in meat and dairy, and so on. I couldn't believe all the information I was learning! After 4 years, after spending tons of money and time, I have finally found products and brands I trust! Not only do I want to share information on products I use, what's lurking in our food, great recipes, but I also want to share my journey. I recently did a post touching upon my mental illness, and I received great feedback from it. 
  2. What has been your biggest blogging challenge? A: So far, I have been blogging for a little over a week and my biggest challenge thus far is getting more viewers/getting the word out there. I am getting better, but it's definitely tough at first. 
  3. What besides blogging are your hobbies? A: Honestly, my family is my life. I always am spending time with them, taking care of them. I love to cook, go to the beach, and boating in the summer!
  4. What is your favorite post that you have written so far and why? A: So far, my favorite post is on Coconut Oil, because I worked really hard on it and am very proud of it! 
  5. I think we should all take time to brag about ourselves from time to time otherwise no one else may ever do so. So, what has been your proudest moment in life so far? A: 
  6. What is your favorite food and least favorite food? A: I don't know because I change what I eat all the time. One week I will be really into veggie burgers with avocado, and next week I am sick on that and on to something else. Overall, I don't have a least favorite food. I just don't like artificial ingredients, preservatives, or any yuck chemicals in my food! 
  7. Book or movie? A: Movie!
  8. Favorite websites/apps? A: Right now, blogger is my favorite website because I am obsessed with blogging. App would be Clash Royal, I can't get enough of that game! 
  9. What is your morning routine? A: Wake up, get my daughter breakfast, shower, blog, laundry. Not always in that order. 
  10. Do you watch TV, if so what are your three favorite shows? A: Yes-- Full House, Total Divas, & One Tree Hill. Of course Full House and OTC is all repeats, but they are my favorite of all time. 
  11. Any guilty pleasures? If so what are they? A: None that I can think of off the top of my head! 

11 Random Facts About Me
  1. I have PKU (Phenylketonuria), a metabolic disorder. 
  2. I need at least 8 hours of sleep a night, or I can't function! 
  3. I am a hypochondriac (At least I can admit it!)
  4. I love school!
  5. I want to obtain my Masters Degree
  6. I love Cadillacs
  7. I want to visit California!
  8. The sun makes me happy and summer is my favorite season
  9. I love fishing, camping, and boating
  10. The beach is peaceful to me
  11. If I could choose any career: I would want to be either an event planner or nutritionist in a major city, because I love planning and organizing and I love nutrition! 

11 Blogs I nominate 

If you were nominated: 11 Questions for the Nominees to answer. Remember, the 6 simple rules are above! Thanks and blog on! :)

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. What made you pick the topic(s) you blog about?
  3. Do you prefer the snow & cold weather or warm & sunny weather?
  4. What's you ultimate goal in life?
  5. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. What's the last book you read?
  8. What couldn't you live without?
  9. Which is your favorite social media: Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter?
  10. What's your favorite animal?
  11. Favorite movie of all time?

Now readers, I ask a favor of you, please check out all of the above blogs and drop a comment and subscribe to their blogs. I bet they would return the favor if you are also a blogger!

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