Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Your Guide to a High Energy Day

An amazing guide to your high energy day! 

I found a post on this once, and it's too good not to share. 

I try to practice these habits every day.


Wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Open blinds, let the sun in! Sunshine wakes the brain up. 
Have your breakfast outside if you can.

Daily Chlorophyll shot & a probiotic supplement
Why? Chlorophyll oxygenates the blood & enhances vitality. Probiotics eases digestions and enhance thyroid function, booting your metabolism.

Breakfast: All about that protein! Eggs with Avocado, Chia Seed Pudding, etc.

Caffeine Fix: Drink your caffeine, only in the morning. Try to avoid drinking caffeine after noontime. Try green tea if you need a 4 pm pick-me-up instead.

Work Out: Try to work out before work, for it can affect your sleep after work

Mid-morning snack? Try a half of an Avocado. The fats in Avocado help protect the mitochondria in your cells, which higher your energy levels. 


Lunch: Kale Salad with pumpkin seeds and chicken
Why? Kale helps remove toxins from your body, which otherwise can make you sluggish

Take a vitamin B Complex supplement

Snack time? Fruit, raw nuts/seeds, or green juice.
Apples & pears are the best options for fruit. Nuts and seeds give you energy. Vitamins in a green juice will revitalize you and your brain.


Dinner: Add some curry/turmeric to your meal
Why? These spices help sustain energy levels

De-stress, De-Compress
Write down everything that you may be stressed about. Get it all out of your system before you go to sleep.

Sleep on a half-empty stomach

Do Yoga

No electronics at least an hour before bedtime

Don't drink: Wine may make you sleepy, but it causes abnormal sleep patterns.

The less light, the better: Make sure your room is nice and dark, keep the temperatures cool too.

Feel the energy, be aware of your mood and body. 
These habits can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Source: Harpers Bazaar on Pinterest Link

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